Tracy expounds on this prophetic word she received in the days leading up to the Kings' Coronation.
'Happy Coronation day everyone! The Lord spoke in my heart and said, 'you will observe this coronation but I have called and chosen you to be an active preparer and participant in MY coronation, MY unveiling as King of Kings. There is a timetable in Heaven and you are part of all that needs to be unfurled for that moment. With me you are not an observer, but an instigator, chosen as part of My family to bring My divine purposes into fruition ' wow and wow!
Pete continues speaking on the theme of 'Digging Deep' as he draws from the story of Jesus, and Peter, walking on water - Matthew 14:22-36.
Jesus is looking to make a withdrawal from us, a withdrawal of our faith, trust and obedience to His 'Come'.