What's On

We run a series of church meetings and community activities throughout the week. Our upcoming events are listed below. Where the event is available online you can click to join at the appropriate time.
Christmas Lunch
 - 1:00 pm

A date for your diary!

Our Christmas Lunch this year will be at The Little Brown Jug, Chiddingstone Causeway - further details to come.


Image of light streaming in through window
The Well
Friday 27th December
 - 7:00 pm

Jesus' life teaches us a lot about time spent with his father and why that is important. So, we are going to the exact same thing - refreshments and mince pies will be on offer!!

Love and blessings.

John 15:19 / Luke 6:12

p.s. there will be no meetings at Carroty Wood on Sunday 29 December

Image of light streaming in through window
Upper Room
Friday 3rd January
 - 7:30 pm

An evening of prayer for our local communities. Love and blessings Psalm 27: 13-14

Carroty Wood in Tonbridge
Sunday Meeting : Carroty Wood
Sunday 5th January
 - 10:30 am

Currently we meet at ‘The Cabin’ at Carroty Wood (Rock UK) which is situated in north Tonbridge. We gather to bring glory and honour to our Father God, his son Jesus and Holy Spirit though a time of sung worship, sharing of the goodness of God through testimonies, teaching from the Bible and prayer. Building a supernatural family, living presence fuelled lives and bringing the reality of Jesus to the world around us. All welcome!

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